의료2013. 11. 4. 11:30

다큐 '얀겔의 위대한 실험'은 친인간적인 건축에 관한 이야기다. 건축가 얀겔은 자동차의 효율성에 맞춰 도시를 설계했던 과거를 비판하고 도시에 사는 사람들이 살기 좋은 도시를 만들어야 한다고 주장한다. 빠르게 불어나야만 했던 도시들은 이제 비인간적인 도시로 여겨지는게 사실이다.  서울만 해도 2호선 지옥철이 큰 문제 아닌가.  게다가 도시 안의 나쁜공기는 또 어떻고...도10차선 도로 옆을 수많은 사람들이 지나가는데 꼭 그렇게 공해 많은 길로 사람들 다니게 했어야 했을까 싶다.  고층들 때문에 파란하늘을 보려면 고개를 한껏 뒤로 젖혀야 한다. 사람들은 놀 공간이 없다...


다큐에선 덴마크의 코펜하겐을 이상적인 도시로 꼽는다.  자동차보다 자전거로 이동하는 사람들이 많은 도시.  전 도시에 고층빌딩을 눈을 씻어야 찾아볼 수 있는 도시.  상가가 줄어든 대신 사람들이 모일 수 있는 공간이 널려있는 도시가 코펜하겐이다.  자동차가 아니라 사람을 위한 도시다.

아래 사진은 방글라데시의 다카라는 곳이다...엄청난 교통체증이 보인다... 가장 빠르게 인구가 늘어나는 도시중 하나임을 감안해도...여긴 정말 엉망이다.  차선 구분도 없으며 대로 양옆으로 차를 세로로 대놔서 도로가 더 좁아지고 정말 살곳이 못되는 도시라는 생각이 든다.


한국은 빠르게 발전해온 나라다.  내 생각엔 병원 역시 빠르게 인구가 늘던 그 시절에 맞게 설계된 것이 아닌가 싶기도 하다.  과연 병원은 환자중심으로 설계되었는가?  어떻게든 최대한 효율적으로 몰려드는 많은 인원을 소화하기 위해 설계된 것은 아닌가? 초음파는 꼭 초음파실로 환자를 보내야만 찍어야 하나...초음파기기가 환자들은 방문하는 건 어떤가?  환자를 위한 쉴곳은 충분한가?  환자는 병원 안에서 사육되고 있는가 살아가고 있는가?  이제까지 해왔던 것의 한계를 뛰어넘는 환자 친화적인 병원설계 역시 의료계 관계자라면 염두에 두어야 하겠다.

Posted by JsPark21
의료2013. 10. 4. 13:38



어떻게 병원 조직을 바꾸어 나갈 수 있을까요?  아래기사는 작은 것부터 시작하자고 주장합니다.  환자가 지나다니는 길을 직접 환자와 함께 경영진이 체험해봄으로써 그 불편함을 직접 깨닫고 바꾸어 나가는 동기를 고취시킨 일을 일례로 들었네요.. 작은 것이긴 하지만 제눈에는 직접 경험해보는 게 짱이라는...제 신조와 하나도 다르지 않게 들리는 군요.  사람은 프레임에 갇혀있다고 저도 예외는 아닌가봅니다.


p.s. 영어공부도 해볼겸 아래 기사를 한번 읽어보는 것은 어떻습니까? 지금 읽고 있는 당신이 의료계에 종사하고 있다면, 훨씬 수월하게 읽을 수 있을 겁니다^^



* 손가락 클릭은 제게 큰 힘이 됩니다*






How “Micro-Moves” Can Drive Major Health-Care Change


The complexity of today’s healthcare organizations makes it hard to change the way they do things. Conventional wisdom holds that real transformation requires bringing in consultants, undertaking large-scale and highly visible action, and jolting the organization into change.


But there’s another, far less disruptive approach: what I call “micro-moves.” These are small and often barely visible actions and interactions that my research and that of others has found to generate real and consequential change, rather than derailing it as sweeping organizational makeovers often do. By inviting collaboration in the change process from people across the organization, micro-moves tap collective energy and build enthusiasm that is essential for driving change.


One such collection of micro-moves is “discovery.”  These actions encourage people to notice their taken-for-granted assumptions regarding how things are done, reconsider them, and create alternatives.  For example, a team of managers and clinical leaders at a medium-size health system, Thedacare, in Appleton Wisconsin, gained invaluable insights about their own care delivery process simply by walking the “care path” with patients.


Early in her tenure, Kathryn Correia, an executive in this health system at the time, brought together managers and clinical leaders to figure out how they might change inpatient care delivery to improve quality and safety.  As they talked they soon realized that they had very little understanding of how patients moved through the system.  Although all participants knew how patients navigated within their own areas of treatment and their units, they had little idea of how patients travelled between admission and discharge, or what patients experienced on the journey. So, the group decided to walk the actual care path themselves, first as if they were patients, and then alongside the patients through real-time care delivery.


In a second session, the group explored how they could best learn about patients’ subjective experience as they navigated the system. They generated open-ended questions to ask patients when they accompanied them that would illuminate their experiences – questions such as, “Would you share with me what being a patient here is like?”  “What was it like just now when (describe situation concretely) happened?” “Could you describe some other experiences you have had here as a patient?” And they decided to leave behind their medical frocks and suit jackets in order to slip out of their “expert” roles. These gestures – leaving their “uniforms” behind, walking the care path, engaging patients with open-ended questions – are examples of micro-moves for discovery.


As they walked  with patients, the team was surprised to discover how difficult the route was for many patients and how truly arduous it was for the elderly and the very ill. This insight led the team to other discoveries about the burdens large and small patients face, such as having to return at a later time to complete diagnostic tests or having to repeatedly answer the same question as different providers come into the room.  Understanding these hardships and sources of anxiety prompted the organization to redesign the care delivery model around the patients and their experience rather than around provider convenience.


This new model is organized as a series of care phases occurring between patients’ admission and discharge that is similar for all patients.  The first phase involved a coordinated care team of a nurse, physician, pharmacist and discharge planner meeting in the patient’s room to conduct an admitting assessment and create a single plan of care.  Stopping points marking the end of each care phase are built into the plan to assess how the care is progressing. If all is going well, the nurse advances the patient to the next phase; if not, the nurse determines the reason and has the authority to resolve the matter, by, for instance, calling clinicians back to the bedside or following up with ancillary services to avoid delay and needless trips for patients.


Although walking the patients’ path is just one example of micro-moves for discovery, it powerfully conveys how groups can gain insight into previously invisible problems and foster momentum for change.  In this case, the team’s experience led to three positive individual and organizational outcomes:

  • It moved leaders and clinicians out of their familiar roles, allowing them to better understand the patients’ perspective and the need for change.
  • It allowed insiders to design and execute needed change that both aligned and stretched the organizational culture through infusion of new ideas. This allowed the organization to transform organically rather than being jolted into change by outside consultants.
  • It cultivated insiders’ beliefs that their efforts can make a real difference in improving care. This in turn generated momentum and spurred dedicated effort to implement the change.

The insights gained led to the development of an innovative care model that has received widespread attention for its positive outcomes. Health Affairs highlighted the model in a series of profiles of key innovations in healthcare, reporting that in units where the model had been implemented, both cost and average length of stay had declined, nurse productivity had increased, and the percentage of patients satisfied with their care increased. The model was also detailed in a recent post by Leonard L. Berry and Jamie Dunham on HBR.org.  As word has spread about the success of this new care model, people have come from far and wide to visit ThedaCare to learn more about the model and the unique change management program that enabled it.

Engaging insiders in micro-moves may lack the dramatic flair of bringing in a S.W.A.T. team of consultants, but small moves, when many are taken together, can add up to big and lasting change that benefits patients, energizes staff and improves the healthcare system.


from HBR.org

Posted by JsPark21